As a parent to your pet, you would always want the best for your furry kid. And asking for the best certainly includes researching all the possible holistic, emotional, or medical ways to keep your lad healthy.
Starting a dog herb garden is as easy as creating any herb garden. But you must know which herbs are best. However, before adding herbs to its diet, you must do your due diligence to ensure they will positively impact your dog’s health.
The Best Herbs for Dog Health
Herbs and spices aren’t just beneficial for humans. They’re also helpful for dogs too! Below is a list of seasonings you can include in your dog’s meal plan to optimise its health:
1. Basil
Pizza and pasta are the two things that come to mind when we hear Basil. While this minty herb brings a delicious sweet and savory note to any dish, Basil is infamous for its health benefits. Most notable are its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that lower the risk of cell damage and inflammation in the body, preventing diseases like arthritis, heart failure, cancer, and diabetes.
Basil is also known to regulate blood sugar, improve the balance of hormones, which leads to improved mental health (in the case of dogs, that means an overall calm temperament), fight against infection, and maintain the health of the urinary tract.
Therefore, Basil is not only safe but quite beneficial for dogs! Just make sure to give it to them in moderation; here is the recommended dosage:
- Small dogs ( < 15 lb) – No more than a pinch per day
- Medium-sized dogs (15 lb – 40 lb) – Half teaspoon per day
- Big dogs (> 40 Lb) – 1 teaspoon per day
Fresh and dried basil are safe for dogs, but fresh is preferred as it has more antioxidants and essential oils. You can sprinkle it on your dog’s food or give it to them raw. Watch out for allergies, though! Some dogs may be allergic to Basil, so make sure to give your dog a small amount, wait for 30 minutes to see if your dog shows any signs of an allergic reaction, and then proceed with more. In case your dog is allergic, take it to the vet immediately.
2. Thyme
Thyme is a natural wormer and is a perfect pack of munch herbs for your dog. Following are some of the benefits of thyme for your dog:
- It provides your furry friend with a wide range of vitamins, including vitamins A, C, and K.
- It has a compound called thymol that has proved to be an anti-septic for your dog’s oral health, helping it fight gingivitis and bad breath.
- It also helps with digestion and will relieve any bowel disease. However, it has a high fiber content, so it is better to know what quantity you are giving. An excessive amount of thyme at a time can result in indigestion and diarrhea.

3. Rosemary
Fresh rosemary is a very famous culinary herb for your dog. Dogs can consume rosemary in small quantities, and it is safe to add it to your dog’s food or water in a recommended amount.
The correct quantity of rosemary you can give your dog depends on various factors, including weight, age, size, and breed of your pet.
If you want to use rosemary as a tincture in your dog’s diet, using ⅛ of a teaspoon of rosemary tincture is good enough at a time. However, we recommend you opt for food sources that already have rosemary as an ingredient.
However, sprinkling fresh or dried rosemary on your dog’s food is also an alternative to adding rosemary to your dog’s meal, ensuring that they get the best dog foods possible.
Following are some of the benefits that rosemary has on your dog’s health:
- It has antimicrobial properties and can be a natural preservative in dog food.
- Along with being antimicrobial, it can also function as an antioxidant.
- Last but not least, it benefits your dog’s gut health.
4. Parsley
You may have seen it in many restaurants being used as a garnish. Not only is it good for humans, but it’s also pretty great for dogs!
Benefits of Parsley:
- It has been proven to have both anti-inflammatory & anti-microbial properties.
- Its anti-inflammatory property makes it an excellent solution for arthritic dogs.
There are two common types of parsley:
- Curley leaf Parsley
- Flat leaf Parsley
Flatleaf is the best herb in the parsley family, but curly will work well too. They are planted in full sun and are given adequate water to avoid Parsley bolting to see. It grows in biennial zones 3 to 9.
5. Dandelion
The first and most essential consideration in using dandelion is to ensure the cleanliness of the plants. Dandelions are regarded as a safe herbs by the FDA.
- It is a perfect and complete source of Vitamins and Minerals.
- It helps in the healthy digestion of your dog.
- It also helps with liver functioning and is a reliable liver tonic that helps remove toxins from the body.
Above mentioned are some benefits of adding dandelions to your dog’s diet. The body can easily absorb dandelions, so it’s a great supplement to any dog’s daily diet. Dandelions can grow but are best grown in zones 3 to 10.

6. Turmeric
Do you know turmeric is a flowering plant from the ginger family? It is generally considered an anti-inflammatory supplement for both humans and dogs. Its anti-inflammatory property helps in treating joint pain, including arthritis.
Following are some of the benefits of turmeric other than being anti-inflammatory:
- It helps cure digestive issues by stimulating bile production, which helps break down the food quicker.
- It also works as an anti-oxidants, reducing the risk of diseases, including cancer.
Turmeric is considered a safe herb for dogs but in smaller quantities. However, the amount allowed for dogs is too tiny to provide anti-inflammatory benefits.
So, what would be the ideal quantity of turmeric for your dog? Well, there is no black and white to it. However, as the rule of thumb, 15 to 20mg of turmeric for every pound of your dog’s weight.
7. Saage
Sage is expected to grow in all three seasons except winter. It is an excellent addition to your dog’s bowl. According to ASDA, the entire sage plant is considered non-toxic for dogs. You can use sage in various food items, including sausages, stuffing, and other meals.
Apart from adding aroma and taste to the food. The following are some of the benefits of sage for dogs:
- It has an anti-inflammatory effect and helps reduce symptoms even for seasonal allergies.
- Sage also has a high vitamin and mineral content.
- It also has antibacterial and antimicrobial properties.
Although sage is safe and has enormous health benefits, it would be best if you serve it to your dog in moderation, depending on the size of the dog and the type of sage to feed.
In a nutshell, all of the herbs mentioned above significantly impact the overall health of dogs. However, if you plan on adding herbs to your dog’s diet, do extensive research before using each one.