Basic Labrador Stats
Height- 54-62 CM
Weight- 25-36 kg
Size- Medium-Large
Coat- Double Coat, Short, Smooth
Lifespan- 10-12 years
Temperament- Gentle, Kind, Trusting, Even Tempered
Exercise needs- Roughly 1-2 hours per day
Labradors tend to be good natured and easy going dogs that make a great addition to the family. Labs are known for their friendliness and it is often joked that they might be more likely to play with a burglar than chase them out of the house.
Labs are very companionable dogs who tend to bond well with the whole family due to their sociable nature. Due to this they also get along well with other dogs, whether it is another dog in the household or the friends they make on their daily walks.
They make excellent companions and their good nature and trainability also means that they are widely employed as assistance dogs. In terms of a family pet, a labrador might be the perfect choice.
Origin Of Labrador Breed
The Labrador was first bred as a fisherman’s companion dog in Newfoundland. This job required a thick waterproof coat that was capable of withstanding very low temperatures and the dog had to be a strong swimmer to manage currents for long periods of time.
Once imported to England, the Labrador was used as a shooting companion due to their good noses. There are many skills that make labs excellent hunting/shooting dogs such as their ability to track game, carry objects in their mouth and their even temperedness.
Exercise and Nutrition
Labs are very easy going however this should not be mistaken for having low energy or being lazy. Labradors are enthusiastic and excitable about physical activity, being bred for physically demanding jobs means that they have the high energy threshold associated with working breeds.
As retriever dogs many labradors do enjoy and prefer retriever training as opposed to long, slow, rambling walks. They love to fetch balls, bones, sticks, if you can throw it your lab will probably bring it back. If a lab doesn’t get as much exercise as they need they may vent destructively by barking, scratching and chewing etc.
Like all dogs, labradors need a high quality and balanced diet that is rich in vitamins and minerals. Experts recommend that the majority of their intake comes from protein with slightly less complex carbs and a little fruit/vegetables. Foods high in essential fatty acids are needed by labradors to help maintain a healthy coat and reduce shedding.
Labradors tend to be fairly easy dogs to groom. They need to be groomed roughly around once per week although perhaps more if you have been walking in mud, rain etc.
They do experience a moulting season when dead hair falls out of their coat. More grooming will be required at these times, potentially up to four times a week. Always be extremely careful and resist the urge to trim your labs coat yourself.
As they are double coated doing so can damage the undercoat disrupting their ability to keep cool and self regulate temperature during the summer months.
Do You Have A Labrador Breed?
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