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Discover the Secrets Behind Your Dog’s Poo

Doggie doo-doo is a daily occurrence, but it’s not often a topic that gets discussed openly. So, let’s change that and talk about your furry friend’s poop! Why is this important, you ask? Well, because the quality of your pup’s poop can often indicate the healthiness of their diet. Who wouldn’t want their furry friend to have a healthy and happy tummy?

It’s a common misconception that stinky poop is just part of owning a dog, but the truth is, it’s not! Your pup’s poop is directly related to what they eat. So, if you’re picking up a mess that resembles a scene from a horror movie, it might be time to take a closer look at their diet.

That’s where the experts from Burns Pet Nutrition come in! They receive all sorts of questions about dog poop on a daily basis and are ready to share their wisdom. Here are some of the most commonly asked questions:

What causes a dog’s poo to be loose and smelly?

Low-quality ingredients, food sensitivities, improper diets or overfeeding can all be contributing factors. Even if you’re feeding your pup a healthy balanced diet, be mindful of feeding them table scraps or treats, which can also affect their waste matter.

How often should a healthy dog need to poop?

A healthy adult dog that eats two meals a day should need to go once or twice a day. Puppies may go up to four times a day, depending on how many meals they eat.

What does a healthy dog poo look like?

A healthy poop should be small, well-formed, and easy to pick up with no offensive odour or colour.

What should you do if you think your dog has diarrhoea?

We recommend starving your pup for 12-24 hours until everything has passed through their system. After this time period, feed them some well-cooked rice. Remember, dogs have different digestive systems than humans, so they require their rice to be cooked longer to be easily digested. Cook white rice for 40 minutes and brown rice for 60-90 minutes before serving.

On day 2, add a lightly boiled egg, and continue with this rice and egg diet until the poo is well-formed. For a convenient alternative, try Burns Pet Nutrition’s Free Range Egg wet food.

If your dog continues to have diarrhoea, seems unwell, or isn’t drinking enough, seek advice from your vet.

Is colour important?

The colour of your dog’s poop can tell you a lot about their health. For example, a healthy poo should be a medium to dark brown colour. This is because the brown colour comes from the breakdown of red blood cells and bile in the intestines. If your dog’s poo is a light brown colour, it may indicate that the food is moving too quickly through the digestive system and not enough nutrients are being absorbed. On the other hand, if your poo is a dark, almost black colour, it could be a sign that there’s internal bleeding somewhere in the digestive system. And if you notice any other unusual colours, such as bright red, green, or yellow, it’s best to check in with your veterinarian to rule out any underlying health issues. Remember, your dog’s poo can be a window into their overall health, so it’s always good to take note of what it looks and smells like.

Get FREE Advice On Your Dog’s Diet

And there you have it, folks! If you have any questions about your pup’s diet and poop, the experts at Burns Pet Nutrition are just a phone call or live chat away! They have a free helpline for all dog owners to ask any questions about their dog’s diet. Worried about your dog’s weight? Click here to read more expert information to support your dog through a diet.

Let’s keep our furry friends healthy and happy, one poop at a time!


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