If you’re an all-around animal lover, you’re fortunate to enjoy profound, unconditional love on a daily basis, and you might also be aware of the rising scientific proof around the therapeutic value of our relationship with pets. To ensure your beloved dog always stays cheerful, you should not only provide the best quality food but also know how to store it properly to keep it fresh, tasty, and safe.
We take a look at 5 common dog food storage mistakes that even the most discerning pet owners make. Prepare to delve deep into the most valuable information for brightening up your canine friend’s life!
Disregarding the Expiration Date
The first common mistake seems almost intuitive to avoid, yet a lot of people have trouble with it. Many resort to a sniff test to determine whether the food is OK for a dog to eat, yet experts advise against this. You should never risk feeding your companion expired food, even if it’s only been a week. According to a survey, more than 10% of pet owners never double-check the expiration dates on pet food packaging, and 7% admit feeding their pets expired food.
There are many students among those people who are so busy, that they may forget to check the expiry date. In this case, we recommend getting professional academic help from research writers so you can spend more time with your pooch. Also, buy only the amount of food that your dog will eat within a few weeks of opening. Make a habit of checking the expiration date on a regular basis and setting reminders.
Not Washing Bowls Regularly
True, time flies by as we tackle a million tasks in our always-on world. It might be hard to find enough time to maintain the pristine cleanliness of your dog food bowls. However, many who disregard frequent cleaning later complain of mould and bacteria that contaminate food and can even lead to serious health issues. You obviously don’t wish any of that near your pet! For utmost safety, wash food bowls with soap and water every day, and choose containers that guarantee ease of cleansing, as well as moisture and lid barrier protection. Better be safe than sorry!
Storing Dog Food in the Garage
If you’re short on space at home, storing dog food in the garage may appear to be a clever solution, but did you know that excessive heat and moisture can break down essential nutrients and ruin your loved one’s meal? These issues are common in garages, especially in hot weather. Furthermore, garages are ideal environments for pests and rodents to thrive. Keep your dog food in a cool, dry place where you can monitor the temperature, which should ideally be around 25 degrees Celsius.
Also, remember to always seal the food bags to prevent oxidation from causing significant mineral and vitamin loss. After all, you want to be sure your dog always consumes the freshest, tastiest food possible.
Exposing Food to Excessive Sunlight
While exposing yourself and your dog to sunlight on a daily basis is the best thing you can do for your health, the same is not true for storing dog food. Excessive sunlight can raise internal temperatures and cause the food to degrade, potentially exposing your pet to harmful bacteria like Salmonella. That said, always keep dog food away from direct sunlight to ensure the safety of your pet. To preserve the food’s shelf life further, consider storing it in the fridge, a dry place, or an air-tight container. You should do your research to know which method is the best.
Not Keeping Food in Its Original Bag
Quality dog food bags come with oil-resistant liners that help retain the essential nutrients and taste, so pouring the food out into a container exposes it to multiple threats, causing it to spoil faster. To take care of dogs properly, owners often store food in original, large bags and use smaller containers only for immediate feeding. It’s a bit time-consuming, yet leaving food in a container for days can cause you a plethora of problems later.
The Way Forward
By now, you should be a fully-informed owner of a man’s best friend, aware of the best practices for safely storing dog food. Keep our advice in mind at all times to make sure your dog lives and thrives in a precious household free from harm. Best of luck!
Olivia Evans is a college professor and animal rights activist. At college, she teaches best practices in environmental protection. Olivia devotes her free time to advocating for animal rights, denouncing their exploitation, and advising people on how best to care for them.