

Dalmatian Dog Breed Information

Dalmatians have long been a favourite breed of dog—from their Disney incarnations to being the mascot of many U.S. firehouses. It’s hard not to fall in love with such sweet, spotted hounds.

Basic Stats

Height- 56-61 cm

Weight- 15-32 kg

Size- Medium

Coat- Short, fine and dense

Lifespan- 13-16 years

Exercise needs- At least 2 hours per day


Dalmatians are very energetic and playful dogs, but they also happen to be pretty sensitive. They are tremendously loyal and therefore bind themselves closely with their family, generally making them good with children. Some breeders have even warned the prospective owner that due to the excitable and energetic nature of these dogs, they are perhaps not the best breed for families with very small children.

This breed is also very intelligent and highly trainable. Socially speaking, Dalmatians can be quite reserved with strangers and aggressive towards other dogs. If not well socialised they can be either timid or a bit highly strung with new dogs and people.

Human companionship is something Dalmatians require to thrive. If left alone for too long they might start to pout or sulk. They may even become destructive if they start to feel lonely. Therefore, Dalmatians as a breed are better suited for someone who spends time at home and has plenty of time to dedicate to a pet.

They are also known for having excellent memories

Origin of Dalmatian dog breed

When you see a Dalmatian the first thing that comes to mind is probably Disney’s 101 Dalmatians.

It is not known for definite where the breed originated from. However, the name presumably originates from Dalmatia, a coastal area of Austria. The breed became popular in the 1800s when they were used to protect horses and carriages from threats along the road.

Throughout history they have also been used as hunting dogs although these days they are primarily a companion animal.

Exercise & nutrition

Dalmatians are one of the higher-energy dog breeds and require a lot of exercise to use up part of their energy. Engaging in all that this breed desires, they most likely would not be suited for people who live in apartments and flats because of this desire to run and play as much as they can.

Dog breeds that require this amount of exercise and energy expenditure tend to become disobedient and badly behaved if they don’t meet their exercise needs.

In terms of nutritional needs, Dalmatians tend to be more complicated than other dog breeds, usually needing to adhere to a low purine diet as they are prone to bladder stones. Therefore this dog breed tends to do better with a moderate but high quality protein, high complex carbohydrates and low fat diet. Complex carbohydrates include whole grains, fruits and low purine vegetables. It is also recommended to watch their salt intake.

Grooming a Dalmatian

Their coats are generally pretty short which means keeping a Dalmatian well groomed is easier than some dog breeds. Maintain their coat with a simple brushing routine. They will sometimes require a full shampoo and wash but overuse of products results in a loss of coat oils making their hair seem dull. Sometimes just wash them with only water before drying them off with a towel.

Do you have a Dalmatian?

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