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Introducing A New Puppy To Your Dog – Dog’s Point of View

Hey there, my name is Piper, a year-old cockapoo from the stunning country of Wales. Adventures, new faces, fellow dogs, swimming, and most importantly, my favorite squeaky toys—an octopus, a duck, and a lamb named Squeaky Octopus, Duck, and Lamb—complete my life with happiness. This time around, we’re chatting about introducing a new puppy to your dog, as recently, we welcomed a tiny newcomer into the mix—Ramsey. Dive below into how it went.

The Beginning of a New Chapter

It all started on rainy Tuesday evening, humum came home from work and took me for a shorter than usual walk. She quickly changed and left the house, left me to hang out with the cats! The absolute cheek of it!

She returned a few hours later, looking quite sad and smelling like another dog. I tried to comfort her but I was also annoyed, how could she leave me for another pup?!? She rubbed my belly and explained that she had gone to visit a potential baby brother for me.

Unfortunately, wasn’t cared for or loved, he was bred for a quick buck. Mum desperately wanted to rescue him, but she knew that she would be lining the pockets of bad breeders. People who might continue to breed an array of doggies for money. She also knew that the puppy was sick and wouldn’t have been able to keep up with me and my energy levels, or play fight or enjoy his life as a part of our family. So she left and reported them to the relevant authorities.

Whilst this story of mine is not intended to be a sad one, it’s brought to light how many dogs are treated poorly in order to make quick money. Rescue centres and responsible breeders are so important. Mum searched rescue centres for a brother, but each dog had luckily found their forever home. There did not appear to be any that the centres deemed a good fit for our family of me, humum and the two cats (Hugo and Willow). Humum’s sadness didn’t last too long, she has always kept in regular contact with my breeder and the next day she went to pay her a visit as apparently the breeder had a 9 week old boy left, who no-one had yet wanted.

introducing a new puppy to your dog

Hello Mini Me

A few hours passed and humum returned home, she showered me with all the love and kisses and I (as always) returned the favour. My nan was with her and carrying something that I couldn’t quite make out. Humum led me to the back garden and my nan popped the little bundle on the floor. It was like looking at a photo, it was a mini-me!

When introducing a puppy to your dog, I’ve gleaned a few pearls of wisdom to share. First off, ensure the introduction is done in a neutral space, like our garden, to avoid any territorial tensions. Keep the initial meeting brief and positive, allowing both dogs to sniff and explore each other at their own pace. Always supervise these early interactions closely, ready to intervene gently if needed.

Gradual introductions are key; don’t rush the process. Give your resident dog and the new pup plenty of separate time to relax and adjust. Remember, patience and positive reinforcement go a long way in building a harmonious sibling relationship between your dogs.

Being a big sister meant guiding Ramsey, even if it meant sharing my toys and meals. Initially hesitant, his presence soon had me polishing off my food to ensure he didn’t snatch it away. Sharing space and attention was new to me, especially since I relished being the star. Our training sessions took a step back to basics to accommodate Ramsey’s learning curve, earning me a bounty of easy treats.

introducing a new puppy to your dog

Sharing is Caring?

I was still unsure about sharing my toys, each toy Ramsey picked up I realised I wanted! So I kept taking them off him and making a den of my special toys in my bed. Humum then took all the toys away and started introducing a few at a time and getting us to play together. I am getting use to this sharing malarkey, but it’s not all it’s cracked up to be!

introducing a new puppy to your dog

Toilet Training

Aside from tricks, Ramsey is also not so good at toilet training. The awful pads are back in the house, but he seems to miss them every so often, so I took on the big sister role and showed him how to use the puppy pads. Humum wasn’t overly pleased with me doing this, so I stopped as I hate to make humum sad.

Adjusting and Growing Together

Suddenly we started having lots of visitors! Mum wouldn’t let them meet Ramsey until they had made a fuss of me. This made me happy – I shouldn’t be forgotten just because Ramsey is the new kid on the block! He needs to learn his place in our pack.

The first week or two I would get quite grumpy with Ramsey as he always wanted to play and would jump on my head when I was sleeping. But about two weeks in, something changed. Ramsey joined our walks. Having a little brother isn’t as bad as I first thought. Yes I have to share my toys and now humum cuddles us with one hand each and trick training is back to basics for the most part when Ramsey is joining us, but when humum is at work I now have someone to constantly play with (the cats only play when it suits them) and on walks it’s a lot more fun to chase a ball when someone else to also trying to catch it! (I’m the faster sibling still!)

Ramsey has a lot to learn, he had to go to the vets the other day for swallowing something that he shouldn’t. But I think I suit being a big sister quite well and humum says she is so proud of me. It may have been a change for me at first, but humum was patient and now when Ramsey jumps on my head I’m ready for playtime, or if he’s sleepy I give him a good lick to make sure he’s clean. As far as little brothers go, I’ve got a good one. Ramsey was always meant to be a part of our family.

introducing a new puppy to your dog

Questions Around Introducing A Puppy

How long does it take for a dog to get used to a new puppy?

It varies; some dogs might take a few weeks to adjust, while others could take a bit longer. Patience and gradual introduction are key.

How do I get my dog to accept a new puppy?

Gradual introductions, supervised interactions, and ensuring your existing dog still receives plenty of attention can help smooth the transition.

Will my dog be okay with a new puppy?

Most dogs will eventually adapt to a new puppy in the household. Ensuring you manage the introduction and transition carefully can aid in building a positive relationship.

What is the best way to introduce a new puppy to another dog?

Start with controlled, brief encounters in a neutral space, gradually increasing their time together while monitoring their interactions. Always offer support and reassurance to both dogs.

Have You Introduced A New Puppy to Your Dog?

Have you introduced a new puppy to your dog? Whether they’re a perfect match or still finding their feet, we’d love to hear about your experiences in the comments below. Don’t overlook the importance of puppy insurance to protect your new bundle of joy and ensure their puppy behaviour integrates smoothly into your family dynamic.


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  1. Another woofderful blog by my favourite explorers! I’m so excited to watch Ramsey grow into your “Big” brother, Piperoni!
    Have a lush first Woofmas together with your humum x x x

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