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6 Ways to Help Your Dog Sleep Better

An adult dog should sleep for 12-14 hours per day on average, but dogs, like humans, can also have difficulty sleeping. Narcolepsy, insomnia, sleep apnea, and REM behavior disorder are all examples of sleep disorders in dogs. If you’ve noticed your dog whining and crying or frequently waking up during the night, then there could be a cause for concern. Sleeping problems in your pooch can also be a sign of other medical conditions, so please don’t put off a visit to the vet. 

Just like it does in humans, sleep deprivation has a detrimental effect on dogs’ health and overall well-being, resulting in your dog being unable to rest at night and becoming disoriented or even more ‘grumpy’ during the day. 

Fortunately, there are several ways to assist a dog suffering from a sleep disorder. Aside from administering medication, you can also try aromatherapy, pheromone diffusers, CBD for pets, or late-night exercises, among other things. Continue reading to learn more about how you can help your pet have a restful sleep at night.

Exercise Routine

Establishing an exercise routine and going on regular walks will allow your pet to release its energy, and exercising late at night is a great way to keep them occupied and prepared for sleep. Exercising helps dogs sleep better at night because it releases endorphins to the bloodstream, making them feel less anxious. 

If your dog doesn’t enjoy running around the yard by itself, you can engage it in interactive games, such as hide-and-seek or fetch, to stimulate its senses and tire your pet out (physically and mentally) enough to go to bed after you come back inside.

Aromatherapy for Dogs

When applied responsibly, aromatherapy – essential oil therapy – can be a natural solution for creating a comfortable and calming environment for your pet.

Inhaling essential oils before going to bed may help it relax and fall asleep faster. For example, you can try lavender and bergamot essential oils that are especially useful for this purpose as they help balance emotions, soothe panic, and have stress-relieving properties

You can apply essential oil on your pet’s bedding, use a diffuser, or just spray the solution into the air. However, it is critical to remember that essential oils are highly concentrated, so make sure to dilute them according to the manufacturer’s instructions to avoid irritating your dog’s skin, or overwhelming its sense of smell.

Pheromone Diffusers

Pheromone diffusers are beneficial for dogs with anxiety issues that sometimes are the cause of sleep issues. They emit pheromones that mimic the relaxing pheromones nursing mothers release to soothe their babies when they’re feeling stressed out or scared. 

You can also find pheromone products in the form of sprays, collars, jackets, soft chews, and more – all of them give stressed pets a feeling of safety and comfort, allowing them to relax. These pheromones are also effective in helping dogs cope with separation anxiety, making the pup feel more comfortable when it’s being left alone at home.

CBD for Pets

CBD is a non-psychoactive compound found in cannabis plants and proven to have therapeutic effects because it targets cannabinoid receptors in the brain. CBD products are safe for pets as long as they come from reputable manufacturers that use quality hemp oil in their products. Besides helping your dog sleep better, CBD is also frequently used to treat anxiety in dogs, helping you travel long-distance with your pet or communicating with strange people and animals stress-free.

Moreover,  CBD can be used as a natural and safer alternative to medication as it provides a calming effect, helping your dog relax without any side effects. However, we always recommend that you consult with your vet before administering CBD. 

Remember that CBD oil tastes bitter, so you may need to hide it in some food or treat your pet with some yummy treats afterward, so your pet won’t associate getting this remedy with a bad taste. Since CBD oil takes effect slowly, it may take several days before you see results. 

Comfortable Sleeping Area

If your dog doesn’t sleep in bed with you, then make sure your dog’s sleeping area is comfortable enough for it so it won’t feel anxious at night. You should also ensure that your dog’s sleeping area is spacious enough because dogs don’t like feeling confined.

If your dog sleeps on a blanket or mattress instead of a crate, make sure you wash his bedding material once a week to prevent bacteria from accumulating on it. You can even place a pheromone diffuser in your dog’s sleeping area to help him feel more at ease. However, avoid using aerosol sprays as they may irritate your dog’s skin.


It’s not uncommon for dogs to suffer from insomnia from time to time, especially when they’re in pain or feeling anxious. If your dog has been up all night crying and whining, and the problem hasn’t been resolved by using any of the previous methods, then a vet may prescribe medication to help them fall asleep.

Medication prescriptions can include, benadryl (diphenhydramine) and clonazepam should be a last resort. These medications can reduce anxiety and make your pet drowsy, but should never be administered without the go-ahead from your dog’s vet.

A veterinarian will determine the proper dosage, considering weight and other medical conditions it might have. Giving your dog the wrong does, or more than it needs can cause serious side effects, such as low blood pressure, vomiting, and diarrhoea.

Final Thoughts

Sleep deprivation is common in both dogs and humans, and you should take it seriously because it can result in your pet feeling anxious or disoriented during the day. If your dog has been up all night crying and panting, it might be a sign that he needs help sleeping better at night. 

Fortunately, there are several things you can do to assist a dog with a sleep disorder. You can give it medications if it’s feeling anxious, try aromatherapy, or enrich its sleeping space with pheromone diffusers. CBD for pets is also an excellent option for dogs that have trouble falling asleep because it produces a calming effect without making them drowsy. 

However, if you’re concerned about your dog having a sleep disorder, you should always consult your veterinarian first. A good night’s sleep is just as important for dogs as it is for humans, so make sure your dog gets the rest he needs to live a long and happy life.


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