Earlier this year we launched, Tail Wag to 5K. A new furry fitness campaign encouraging dog owners to keep fit by grabbing the lead and training to run a 5K with their pooch by their side in 8-12 weeks. Think Couch to 5K, but with your dog! Fancy it? Click here to download our FREE activity plan.
Perhaps you’ve already signed up to Tail Wag To 5K, but gone off plan? If you’ve thrown in the towel, or chosen not to do the plan you’re certainly not alone. It’s really easy to lose motivation when you start a new exercise program, especially when you’re a beginner. Luckily, it’s even easier than you think to stay the course.
We’ve asked Burns Pet Nutrition to share their top six running motivation tips for when you need it most.
Get Dressed in Your Gear
We all know the feeling of coming home after a hard day at work and dreading the thought of putting on a still-sweaty pair of trainers. However, the simple act of getting dressed in your workout clothes can be a huge motivator.
Still overwhelmed with what equipment you need to get started with Tail Wag to 5K? Click here for our quick-start dog running equipment guide.
Run in the Morning
There are always a million reasons not to do something, but they’re never as good as the reasons to go ahead and do it anyway. By working out in the morning, you won’t have enough time to talk yourself out of it. And the best part? Your workout is done and dusted before breakfast.
Get Organised
Lay your running stuff out the night before. Make sure you have plenty of energy-releasing snacks in the cupboard. Get into a routine with your dog, so that they know what time they can expect to go out every day.
Remind Yourself Why You Started
Give yourself a kick up the Tail Wag by remembering why you started in the first place. You could be running for health reasons, to bond more with your dog, improve your mental health or to take on a new challenge. Sometimes we need to remember why we started before we can get to the finish line.

Listen to a New Playlist
Is your playlist getting old and tired? Try adding a few new songs, create a new playlist altogether, or listen to some of the amazing pre-created running playlists on Spotify. Listening to a song you really like can make a huge difference to your workout.
Safety tip: Stay safe while listening to music. Turn your volume down low enough to hear traffic, bicycle bells or the sound of your dog barking.
Run with a (non-furry) Pal
While Tail Wag to 5K is all about running with your dog, it could be a good idea to have another human around too. Running with a friend is the ultimate motivator. You’ll have someone to talk to on your run and you’ll always have an incentive to turn up.
If At First You Don’t Succeed…
Try, try again! You’ve got this! Are you taking part in Tail Wag to 5K? Perhaps these tips have given you a new sense of motivation? Let us know in the comments below.