Anyway, I digress, where was I? Oh, that’s right in our van in Abergele. So the hoomans decided that they would do an Abergele dog walk from a book wot me mum had bought. The only trouble was after driving to the place it looked to me that everyone else had also bought the same book because there were cars everywhere! So Dad decided to look for a different walk in his book as so we ended up visiting Aber Falls.
Once they had parked the car they started to follow the instructions what was in the book. Dad was saying you go left, then you go right, then you go straight. I fink he was reading it all wrong. What it should have said is yous go up and up and up!

The book said it was an easy walk, maybe if you are a sheep, but I kept going with no complaint. I even managed to put a few spurts on and drag mum along when it got really interesting. There were lots of people and dogs going up and down the track. Many dogs were off lead and able to run around, but I made sure mum held onto my lead so she didn’t get too lost. After all, we know how Dads sense of direction works and he was reading the book without his glasses!
At the top of the hill/mountain (when does a hill become a mountain anyway?), well at the top was this beautiful waterfall. It really was worth the walk up. Also, the views on the walk were beautiful, with the river and all the mountains around us. I am so glad I decided to take mum and dad there.
After sitting at the waterfall for a while whilst mum and dad took photos and gave me a drink and treats, we started back down. I am not sure if the path shrunk but we seemed to go down much faster than we went up.

Stopping For Coffee & Cakes
Back down in the village we were able to go in for coffee and cakes to Cafe Hen Felin, they are Dog Furiendly so I will get mum to put a listing and review onto the site for me. Mum and Dad shared their flapjack and Lemon Drizzle cake with me, it was well nice.
We had a lovely day and if you don’t mind walking up a mountain I really suggest that you do it. The path was graveled all the way although you could walk on the grass as well, it was suitable for people who push little hoomans around in those wheeled things. Although I don’t think that big hooman wheeled things would do very well as it was steep so maybe the batteries would not be able to make the climb.

Follow Dobby and Kay’s adventures via Instagram @dobbyscoats
Where’s your favourite place to visit with the dog? Share your adventures below.