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Is It Normal to Love My Dog So Much?

In the heart of every dog owner lies a fundamental question: “Is it normal to love my dog so much?” The simple answer is a resounding yes. The depth of affection we feel for our furry companions is not only normal but a reflection of the unique bond shared between humans and dogs. We’ve found some research that sheds light on just how deep our love goes and the findings are as heartwarming as they are revealing.

Our Love for Dogs

A groundbreaking survey by The Insurance Emporium revealed the undeniable truth: a staggering 39% of pet owners confess to loving their pet more than humans. This sentiment isn’t limited to acquaintances or friends; nearly a fifth (19%) admitted to favouring their furry companion over their spouse. It seems that the question isn’t so much whether it’s normal to love our dogs so much, but rather how could we not?

Pets vs. People

It’s fascinating to see the extent of our affection for pets. Some pet owners (18%) say their love for their pets overshadows that for their own families, with 16% preferring their canine companions over their children. The devotion doesn’t stop there, with a significant 11% admitting to loving their pets more than their parents. These statistics aren’t just numbers; they’re a testament to the special place dogs hold in our hearts, occupying our thoughts up to 50 times a day for 97% of pet owners.

Expressions of Love: How We Show It

How do we translate this love into action? The majority of pet owners (71%) indulge their dogs with treats, while 68% prioritise giving them extra attention. Toys are also a popular expression of love, with 57% purchasing new playthings for their pets. Trips to cherished locations like parks and beaches, alongside visits to dog-friendly places, signify the lengths we go to make our dogs feel loved and included.

The Price of Love

When it comes to financial investment, over half of pet owners (53%) have spent between £11 and £50 on their pet in a single indulgence. Meanwhile, a lavish 5% have splurged between £251 and £500, showcasing the substantial economic impact of our affection for dogs. The ultimate display of love? An owner who spent an eye-watering £3000 on their pet, highlighting the no-expense-spared attitude some have towards their canine companions.

Why Do We Love Dogs More Than Humans?

The crux of our love for dogs over humans lies in their reliability, loyalty, and the unconditional love they bestow upon us. This contrasts starkly with human relationships, often fraught with complexities. Dogs offer non-judgmental support, encourage healthier lifestyles, and even serve as social catalysts for singles. Their protective instincts also provide a sense of security, further endearing them to our hearts.

Do Dogs Know We Love Them?

Absolutely, dogs are incredibly in tune with our emotions and show a profound understanding of our affection towards them. This understanding goes beyond mere instinct; it’s rooted in the deep emotional bonds they share with us. When we express love through petting, playing, or speaking to them, dogs respond in kind, often with visible excitement, affectionate nuzzles, or by simply staying close to us, demonstrating they not only receive our love but also recognise and appreciate it. Scientific research supports this, revealing that interactions with their human companions result in increased levels of oxytocin (often referred to as the “love hormone”) in dogs, mirroring the hormonal response humans experience when we feel loved and connected. This biochemical exchange underscores a mutual recognition of love and affection, proving that our dogs do indeed know when they are loved.

A Celebration of Canine Love

Understanding the depth of our affection for dogs opens up new avenues for strengthening this special bond. Delving into the nuances of canine communication can enrich our relationship with our furry friends.

Why not explore new ways to express your feelings, such as reading love poems for dogs, which capture the essence of this profound bond? Learning how to say ‘I Love You’ in dog language also offers a unique opportunity to communicate your affection in a manner they can understand. For those navigating the intricacies of relationships with fellow dog enthusiasts, discovering the key things to know about dating a dog lover can provide invaluable insights. Together, these elements weave a rich tapestry of love, understanding, and mutual respect that defines the human-dog relationship, making every moment with our beloved pets even more meaningful.


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  1. I love this blog post but thought this was a giver?! As if my Mooma could love anyone in the world more than me.
    Floofsters are just the best and every family should have one. My family say I was what brought us all together and completed us. We do so much more together than they ever did without me and we have so many adventures.
    Mickey x

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