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Yellow Dog UK: Campaigning For Safer Pooches

The Yellow Dog Charity is currently running a campaign promoting awareness about not touching dogs you’re not familiar with. The instantly recognisable campaign encourages owners to use a yellow garment to signal to others that their dogs space needs to be respected.

The charities main aim is to highlight that some dogs need space, this could be because they are sensitive, shy, injured, old or puppies in training where their owners don’t want them to be crowded or jumped on by other animals. This is shown by the pups and their owners wearing yellow to highlight this to others. This way, these sensitive dogs can enjoy their walks and gentle socialisation. It is so important that dog owners, who increased considerably during the lockdowns, share this mutual respect.

While we all know excitable and friendly pooches, not every dog welcomes attention. Some dogs may be in the process of being trained, have health issues or experience anxiety when receiving unwanted attention.

The charity wants to help these dogs by sharing their message across the UK. We are a nation of dog lovers and every dog and their owner deserves to enjoy their walks without fear or concern. Whether shy, old, injured, timid or scared dogs deserve respect and to have their personal space respected. That is why if you notice a dog with a yellow bandana, jacket or lead you should give them space.

Spreading The Message

The campaign originated in Sweden in June 2012 when Eva Oliversson, a certified dog behaviourist and trainer, established it. It is being continued in the UK by Alison Gibson-Stark. Having had yellow dogs herself she understands how stressful it can be for dog and owner when a social or off lead dog approaches.

Making the yellow ribbon a representation throughout the UK will benefit everyone and make life a lot easier for owners of yellow dogs and the dogs themselves. This fantastic campaign will help to educate dog owners and the public to understand and recognise a dog who ‘needs space’.

To support their aims, the charity offers dog leads, vests, bandannas, flags, posters and ribbons baring the message “I need space”.

Yellow Dog UK’s Reasons Why A Dog May Need Its Space

A dog may need space for many reasons, these can include but are not limited to:




Being in heat

Dog not yet trained

Dog being nervous

Having previous bad experiences

Being reactive

Yellow Dog UK promotes responsible dog ownership and respect towards animals. Children and adults should always ask for permission before touching a dog that they don’t know.

Click here to visit the Yellow Dog UK website or visit their Facebook or Twitter pages.

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