There are more adorable Dalmatians on Instagram than you can throw a stick for!
Dalmatians are one of the most easily identifiable and adorable breeds. Universally popular, they have been stars of the screen in Disney films and are the mascots of American Fire Stations.
It’s no surprise then that the white coat and black spots of the Dalmatian get a lot of love on social media.
Check out our pick of some of the cutest Dalmatians to follow on Instagram that will brighten up your feed!
The only thing that could be better than an adorable Dalmatian is two adorable Dalmatians!
This cute Dalmatian is two years old and lives in Montreal, Canada. He’s an elegant goofball and takes some beautiful scenic shots.
This beauty has an amazing set of different coloured eyes that feel like they’re gazing straight through you.
Noble is an adorable Dalmatian who often posts pictures with other furry friends.
This German Dalmatian is both adorable and the picture of sophistication.
This stylish pooch loves to sport cute fashion accessories in his snaps.
Famed online for his adorable heart shaped marking around his eyes. This adorable Dalmatian will brighten up your feed and steal your heart.
Another adorable pair of dogs. These cuties live in Rio De Janeiro.
This sweetheart has a heart on his nose because he can practically smell how much you love him! and we really can’t blame you!
For more breed related fun check out Houndy!
Do You Follow Any Dalmatians On Instagram?
Do you follow any adorable Dalmatians? Which of these gorgeous pups is getting your follow? Let us know in the comments!
Aww sad we didn’t make the cut! 😂 🐾 @darwin.the.dalmatian
So sorry 😭 we’ll try and include you next time 🙂
@dottie_doo_the_dalmatian is defo one of the cutest to follow 💕